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Failure to Request a Statement of Decision Changed the Outcome of This Appeal

Last updated on August 24, 2022 by Tim Kowal
One of the first pieces of advice an appellate attorney will give a trial attorney is: Don’t forget to request a statement of decision. But this advice puzzles experienced trial attorneys, who know that the trial judge, after a bench trial, is already required—without request—to give tentative decisions. And a statement of decision is usually...Read More >>

Fatal Error in Judicial Council Cost Memorandum Form, Says Dissenting Justice

Last updated on August 22, 2022 by Tim Kowal
Just won a lawsuit? Before you file your memo of costs, read the dissent in Srabian v. Triangle Truck Center (D5 Aug. 12, 2022 No. F080066) (nonpub. opn.). The upshot: A memo of costs needs to be signed under penalty of perjury. It is an evidentiary showing, after all. In this, the Judicial Council form...Read More >>

Labels Matter: To Enforce an Appellate Stay, Seek an “Injunction”

Last updated on August 17, 2022 by Tim Kowal
There is a high frustration quotient in defending against judgment enforcement. There is supposed to be an automatic stay of orders on appeal, but in practice this is wishful thinking. So you may have to do what the aggrieved party did in Merritt v. Specialized Loan Servicing, LLC (D6 Aug. 11, 2022 No. H048463) 2022...Read More >>

Appropriating Money Is Not Speech, in the Anti-SLAPP Context

Last updated on August 15, 2022 by Tim Kowal
[Blog note: After this firm, joined by Jeff Lewis Law, filed a request for publication, on September 7, 2022 the court granted publication. The opinion is now published. ] Put on your anti-SLAPP issue-spotting glasses and see if you spot the issue in this fact pattern: Plaintiff sues his business partner for taking money from the...Read More >>

CEB Repost of My Article on Siry Investment Affirming Civil-Theft Remedies in Business Tort Cases

Last updated on August 10, 2022 by Tim Kowal
CEB has republished my article, “Supreme Court Affirms the Use of Powerful Civil-Theft Remedies Under Penal Code 496 in Business-Tort Cases,” about the recent decision in Siry Investment, L.P. v. Farkhondehpour (Cal. Jul. 21, 2022 No. S262081) 2022 WL 2840312. Siry held that the remedies under Penal Code section 496(c) — treble damages and attorney...Read More >>

Should Bad Arguments Be Sanctionable? Some Recent Takes

Last updated on August 3, 2022 by Tim Kowal
You can be sanctioned for lying to a court or from failing to disclose key authorities. That’s obvious. But two recent courts remind the bar that appellate sanctions may be imposed for making bad arguments. One of those cases imposed a whopping $107,000 in appellate sanctions. The other court did not issue sanctions, but signaled...Read More >>

Supreme Court Affirms the Use of Powerful Civil-Theft Remedies Under Penal Code 496 in Business-Tort Cases

Last updated on July 28, 2022 by Tim Kowal
Civil trial attorneys have an industry secret. Say you are suing over an unpaid loan. If the borrower never intended to pay back the loan, that’s not only a breach of contract, it’s a form of theft by false pretenses. And under Penal Code section 496, civil theft is punishable by treble damages and attorney...Read More >>

What Happens to a Fee Award After the Judgment Is Reversed? Try a Stipulated Reversal

Last updated on July 27, 2022 by Tim Kowal
Here is a common scenario, with a rather uncommon resolution. You have appealed a judgment, and you have separately appealed the attorney fee award. You reversed the judgment. After reporting the victory to the client, you suddenly remember: what about the fee award? That is what happened in Mid-Wilshire Property, L.P. v. Dr. Leevil, LLC...Read More >>

Courts Cannot Reconsider Final Orders—But What Is a “Final” Order?

Last updated on July 20, 2022 by Tim Kowal
On the topic of judgment enforcement, the new rule announced in Coastline JX Holdings LLC v. Bennett (D4d3 Jul. 7, 2022, No. G059552) --- Cal.Rptr.3d ----, 2022 WL 2527118 is that a judgment-debtor’s profit-sharing plan is exempt from levy under both ERISA and California law, because profit-sharing plans are non-assignable. And on the topic of...Read More >>

Denial of Fees for Defeating Anti-SLAPP Held Not Appealable, in Split of Authority

Last updated on July 18, 2022 by Tim Kowal
Almost any order having to do with an anti-SLAPP motion is appealable. Almost. In Kaplan v. Davidson (D2d7 Jul. 11, 2022 No. B312826) 2022 WL 2662982 (nonpub. opn.), Kaplan defeated Davidson’s anti-SLAPP motion. Orders granting or denying anti-SLAPPs are appealable. (Code Civ. Proc., § 904.1(a)(13).) Kaplan then moved for attorney fees. Orders granting anti-SLAPP fees...Read More >>

When Judges Rely on Unpublished Opinions

Last updated on July 13, 2022 by Tim Kowal
Lawyers in California courts may not rely on unpublished cases. But federal courts may. And California courts may rely on federal courts—even when the federal court relies on an unpublished California case. In Meza v. Pacific Bell Telephone Co. (D2d3 Jul. 12, 2022 case no. B317119) 2022 WL 2680080, that’s just what a California court...Read More >>

When Appellate Rules Lie: Order Granting Summary Judgment, Which Is Not Appealable, Held Appealable Anyway

Last updated on July 7, 2022 by Tim Kowal
Appellate rules are treated as jurisdictional.* So it is important for appellate rules to be very clear. One such nice and clear rule is: Orders granting summary judgment are not appealable. (Code Civ. Proc., § 437c, subd. (m)(1); Saben, Earlix & Associates v. Fillet (2005) 134 Cal.App.4th 1024, 1030.) Except, the rule is a lie,...Read More >>

Vexatious Litigants Have No Right to Appeal Denial of Request to File New Action, Say Appellate Court Splitting from Authority

Last updated on July 6, 2022 by Tim Kowal
The vexatious litigant in Marriage of Deal (D1d3 Jun. 21, 2022) no. A164185 (nonpub. opn.) is not a very sympathetic figure. The ex-husband, Thomas Deal, having filed 12 appeals and seven writ petitions after his divorce proceedings years ago, continued filing meritless actions and appeals that made “implicit threats against various members of the California...Read More >>

Defense verdict reversed due to improper exclusion of evidence

Last updated on July 1, 2022 by Tim Kowal
After an ear doctor was sued for pushing a charity on one of his patients, the jury returned a defense verdict. But the Court of Appeal reversed in Silvester v. Niparko (D2d7 Jun. 20, 2022 no. B301926) 2022 WL 2197100 (nonpub. opn.), holding that the trial court abused its discretion when it refused to allow...Read More >>

No, Minute Orders Do Not Have to Be Signed to Be Appealable

Last updated on June 29, 2022 by Tim Kowal
I have always thought a minute order has to be signed to be appealable. I don’t think so anymore. Even thought Liang v. Shi (D4d3 Jun. 14, 2022 no. G060655) 2022 WL 2128432 (nonpub. opn.) is unpublished, I think it’s holding is correct that the unsigned minute order there was appealable. Liang involved an action...Read More >>

Excluding Expert's Rebuttal Opinion Can Be Grounds to Reverse Jury Verdict

Last updated on June 24, 2022 by Tim Kowal
CEB has my article, “Excluding Expert's Rebuttal Opinion Can Be Grounds to Reverse Jury Verdict,” about Kline v. Zimmer, Inc. (May 26, 2022, B302544) ___ Cal.App.5th ___. Here is the link: https://bit.ly/3bqglfY. The case involved a trial error in which the judge excluded the defendant’s expert to rebut the plaintiff’s expert on causation. The trial...Read More >>

Amendments to Judgment During Appeal Reversed for Violating Appellate Stay

Last updated on June 23, 2022 by Tim Kowal
The unusual thing about Kling v. Horn (D2d7 Jun. 8, 2022 no. B310164) 2022 WL 2062642 (nonpub. opn.) is that the party who won the judgment was the one raising a problem about it. Following an arbitration over an attorney fee dispute, the trial court entered a judgment of about $120,000 to the attorney. But...Read More >>

High Court to Consider Relaxing Appealability Ruling

Last updated on June 22, 2022 by Tim Kowal
Last month, the Court of Appeal threw out an appeal as untimely in Meinhardt v. City of Sunnyvale (D4d1 Mar. 9, 2022 No. D079451) 76 Cal.App.5th 43, covered previously here. The California Supreme Court has granted review on the issue: “Did the Court of Appeal correctly dismiss the appeal as untimely?” reports David Ettinger. Meinhardt...Read More >>

Trial Exhibit Not Moved Into Evidence Deemed Admitted on Appeal

Last updated on June 16, 2022 by Tim Kowal
“I forgot to move my exhibits into evidence!” Many trial lawyers have made this sudden realization, often in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. But two recent cases (and a fistful of antacids) may get you back to sleep again. At the trial between the two partners in a restaurant business in...Read More >>

1999 Judgment Not “Final,” 40-Year-Old Murder Convict Must Receive Juvenile Hearing Under Proper 57

Last updated on June 13, 2022 by Tim Kowal
In a 4-3 decision, the majority in People v. Padilla (May 26, 2022, no. S263375) --- Cal.5th ---, started with the proposition that California’s Prop 57, which requires minors to be charged in juvenile court, is retroactive in all nonfinal cases. But when is a case “final”? Here, Padilla, who at age 16 murdered his...Read More >>

SLAPP Fee Awards Are Automatically Stayed on Appeal: My Article in Cal. Litigation

Last updated on June 8, 2022 by Tim Kowal
California Litigation has published my article “Are Anti-SLAPP Fee Awards Stayed on Appeal?” in its Spring 2022 issue. You can access the online version here: https://bit.ly/3aFty3P A PDF of the article is here: Litigation-Volume-35-Number-1-2022, T. Kowal, Are Anti-SLAPP Fee Awards Stayed.pdf My article answers the question: Yes, anti-SLAPP fees are automatically stayed on appeal. But...Read More >>

Anti-SLAPP Denials May Not Be Appealable Much Longer in the 9th Circuit

Last updated on June 6, 2022 by Tim Kowal
The anti-SLAPP statute allows defendants to challenge complaints that chill the rights to speak and petition. But the rights to speak and petition have blurry and elastic boundaries. So often plaintiffs with legitimate claims get stuck defending SLAPP motions. Worse, when the plaintiff defeats a meritless SLAPP motion, the defendant gets to appeal. That’s what...Read More >>

Exclusion of Expert Opinion Held Structural Error on Appeal Requiring Automatic Reversal

Last updated on June 2, 2022 by Tim Kowal
In one of the many lawsuits by hip-replacement patients against the maker of the Durom Cup, Kline v. Zimmer, Inc. (D2d8 may 26, 2022) ___ Cal.Rptr.3d ___ 2022 WL 1679539 held the trial court committed structural error when it improperly excluded Zimmer’s expert to rebut the plaintiff’s expert. This is surprising because, normally, trial court...Read More >>

Wife Deemed to Appeal Because Husband Did

Last updated on May 26, 2022 by Tim Kowal
A default judgment was entered against husband and wife, the landlords in the landlord/tenant dispute in Phillips v. Wang (D1d2 May 25, 2022 no. A162181) 2022 WL 1658076. Husband filed a notice of appeal. But husband didn’t put his wife’s name on the notice. And wife didn’t file one of her own. The plaintiff noted...Read More >>

There’s Actually a Big Difference Between Motions for Nonsuit and Judgment: A Rebuttal to Prof. Martin

Last updated on May 18, 2022 by Tim Kowal
The trial court may not deem the right to a jury trial waived simply because the plaintiff failed to comply with local rules, like failing to submit trial binders. That is the important point about waiver of the right to a jury trial in Amato v. Downs (D4d2 May 6, 2022 No. E075421) -- Cal.Rptr.3d...Read More >>

Draft Your RFAs With Costs of Proof and Settlement in Mind

Last updated on May 16, 2022 by Tim Kowal
CEB has published my article on Spahn v. Richards (2021) 72 Cal.App.5th 208, which awarded a staggering $239,000 in costs-of-proof attorney fees for refusing to admit a request for admission. You can read the article here. The PDF article is here: Tim Kowal_Draft Your RFAs With Costs of Proof and Settlement in Mind.pdf Spahn held...Read More >>

Are the Courts Split on Untimely Appeals?

Last updated on May 13, 2022 by Tim Kowal
You have heard courts say that a timely notice of appeal is a prerequisite. As in, non-negotiable. As in, the court doesn’t even have jurisdiction to consider your appeal, so don’t even ask, ok? (E.g., Silverbrand v. Cty. of Los Angeles (2009) 46 Cal.4th 106, 113 [“[T]he filing of a timely notice of appeal is...Read More >>

Read This Before Using a Settled Statement for Your Appeal

Last updated on May 11, 2022 by Tim Kowal
The mother appealing the parentage order in R.M. v. J.J. (D3 Apr. 29, 2022 no. C090018) 2022 WL 1301801 (nonpub. opn.) had a solid issue on appeal: her ex-husband had made frequent angry outbursts and hostile gesticulations throughout the day-long hearing. The mother thought this display of her ex-husband’s rather obvious need of anger management...Read More >>

No Right to In-Person Appearances

Last updated on May 4, 2022 by Tim Kowal
Although the defendant specifically invoked his constitutional and statutory right to to be “personally present” at his sentencing hearing, the California Court of Appeal in People v. Whitmore (D4d3 no. G059779) 2022 WL 1284371 ___ Cal.Rptr.3d ___, held that limiting a defendant to a virtual appearance, while legally improper, creates no harm. The court affirmed...Read More >>

Untimely Appeal from Judgment Should Have Been Taken From Denial of Petition for Mandamus, Published Opinion Holds

Last updated on May 2, 2022 by Tim Kowal
Commentator Michael Shipley calls this one a “bait and switch.” In Meinhardt v. City of Sunnyvale (D4d1 Mar. 9, 2022 No. D079451) 2022 WL 702912 ___ Cal.Rptr.3d ___, a police officer lost his petition for writ of mandamus. The trial court entered a signed “order” in August, served the same day. But the court did...Read More >>
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