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Arbitration, Summary Judgment, and Other Special Appeals

Arbitration, Summary Judgment, and Other Special Appeals

Evolving Law on Arbitrability in CA

Last updated on December 14, 2021 by Tim Kowal
Who decides whether a dispute must be arbitrated? The court, or the arbitrator? By a vote of 3 appellate attorneys, the court should decide. Appellate attorney Anne Grignon explains the takeaway from Banc of California v. Superior Court when attorney see an arbitration agreement incorporating the AAA rules – which purport to empower the arbitrator to determine...Read More >>

No Fee Agreement, But $239,000 Fees Awarded as "Costs of Proof" for Failing to Admit RFAs

Last updated on December 9, 2021 by Tim Kowal
Somewhere or other most attorneys have heard that you can get attorney fees if your opponent denies a request to admit a fact and you go on to prove that fact at trial. These are called "costs of proof" fees. You probably assumed this was more trouble than it was worth. But what if I...Read More >>

How Does a Client Measure Success? Our Conversation with Outside General Counsel Lee Goldberg

Last updated on October 14, 2021 by Tim Kowal
Lee Goldberg joins us for a discussion about his perspective as in house counsel. Lee shares decades of experience using litigators to solve business problems and offers advice for trial attorneys serving corporate clients. We talk about Lee’s recent video series on LinkedIn and his website CalLawyers.com, and what a general counsel looks for when...Read More >>

False Declaration Signed Under Pressure Does Not Create a Triable Issue

Last updated on October 12, 2021 by Tim Kowal
It is rare that the Court of Appeal will issue a writ instructing the trial court to grant summary judgment. But that is what happened in the published opinion in Forest Lawn Memorial-Park Association v. Superior Court (D4d2 Oct. 7, 2021) ___ Cal.Rptr.3d ___ 2021 WL 4618080 (no. E076549)(https://lnkd.in/gmx5GNmi). After the defendant filed a motion for summary...Read More >>

The Risks of Serving Too Many Interrogatories

Last updated on September 30, 2021 by Tim Kowal
CEB has republished my article Excessive Interrogatories Violate the Rules of Civility, Appellate Court Says at their website as, "The Risks of Serving Too Many Interrogatories". The article is about two important but subtle rules of civil discovery in Estate of Huang (D2d4 Aug. 17, 2021) no. B307671 (nonpub. opn.). The first is that you cannot submit...Read More >>

Need More Discovery to Oppose Summary Judgment? Use These Magic Words...

Last updated on September 29, 2021 by Tim Kowal
When opposing a motion for summary judgment, seeking a continuance to conduct additional discovery should always be considered. A single piece of evidence may be enough to successfully oppose summary judgment, both in the trial court and on appeal, so even if you don't have that piece of evidence yet, making a record that it...Read More >>

MSJ Affirmed on New Ground on Appeal; Request for Continuance Denied Because Not Supported by Declaration

Last updated on September 15, 2021 by Tim Kowal
There are two important reminders about motions for summary judgment in Steger v. CSJ Providence St. Joseph Medical Center (D2d5 Aug. 16, 2021) 2021 WL 3615548 no. B304043 (nonpub. opn.). The first reminder is that the appellate court may affirm on any ground, even if the trial court never reached that ground. The second reminder is that,...Read More >>

Renewed Restraining Order Affirmed on Appeal; Appellant Forfeited Challenge by Failing to Describe All Evidence Supporting the Order

Last updated on September 10, 2021 by Tim Kowal
In appeals from mixed discretionary and factual findings, it can be tempting to fault the trial court for failing to consider all the great evidence in the appellant's favor. But be careful not to ignore the "heavy burden" required to get review of factual questions. Failing to comprehensively evaluate the evidence against the appellant resulted in a...Read More >>

Excessive Interrogatories Violate the Rules of Civility, Appellate Court Says

Last updated on August 24, 2021 by Tim Kowal
There are two important but subtle rules of civil discovery that come to the surface in Estate of Huang (D2d4 Aug. 17, 2021) no. B307671 (nonpub. opn.). The first is that you cannot submit the same interrogatory twice: if you don't like the answer (or lack of an answer) you got the first time, you had better...Read More >>

Angelina Jolie's Writ Petition Granted to Disqualify Judge for Appearance of Bias

Last updated on July 27, 2021 by Tim Kowal
As the legal community tests the waters with in-person trials after the Covid lockdowns, pro tem judges may continue to be an attractive option. Like private arbitration, pro tem judges offer more flexibility and availability than Superior Court judges. And contrary to arbitration, parties electing to use a pro tem judge preserve their right to...Read More >>

Lawsuit Against Judge in Disney Estate Case, Dismissed by District Court, Held Moot by 9th Circuit Because Judge Reassigned Himself

Last updated on July 26, 2021 by Tim Kowal
In the ongoing probate litigation over the Disney estate in Lund v. Cowan, No. 20-55764 (9th Cir. 2021), the 9th Circuit recently called probate court "the Unhappiest Place on Earth" in response to Los Angeles Superior Court Judge David Cowan's actions against Walt Disney's grandson, Bradford Lund. Lund had already waited 15 years for his...Read More >>

Rare Reversal of Probate Judgment for Lack of Substantial Evidence

Last updated on July 22, 2021 by Tim Kowal
A "substantial evidence" appeal is among the toughest to reverse. That is when the challenge to the judgment is based on one of the trial court's factual findings. An appellate court will almost never disturb a trial court's finding on a factual question. To get a reversal, you have to show there is literally no...Read More >>

Default Judgment Set Aside on Showing of Merit, Excuse, and Diligence; and a Comment on Civility

Last updated on April 14, 2021 by Tim Kowal
While the parties were clearing up their eviction matter, the tenant-plaintiffs in Mayorga v. Mountview Props. Ltd. (D2d5 Apr. 9, 2021) no. B298284, noticed that landlord-plaintiff had not answered their complaint. So they pounced: they took landlord's default, and got a default judgment of nearly $500,000. When landlord got notice of the default judgment nearly a year...Read More >>

Probate Court May Order Mediation, Deem Non-Participating Beneficiary Rights Forfeit, Split Appellate Court Holds

Last updated on April 7, 2021 by Tim Kowal
In a surprising split-decision, the Second District held trust beneficiaries who voluntarily decline to participate in mediation forfeited all rights to object to the mediated settlement. In Breslin v. Breslin (D2d6 Apr. 5, 2021) no. B301382, the settlor of a trust valued at upwards of $3 million provided for gifts to many charitable and nonprofit organizations. Those groups...Read More >>

Out-of-State Litigant Did Not Waive Personal Jurisdiction, Family Court Order Reversed

Last updated on April 1, 2021 by Tim Kowal
There are a few curious turns in Marriage of Sellers (D2d6 Mar. 25, 2021) 2021 WL 1134891, No. B306844 (unpublished). While unpublished, it provides a good roadmap – with citable authority – to making a limited appearance without waiving jurisdictional challenges. And if one is inclined toward a cynical view about appellate courts' selective treatment of appealability issues as...Read More >>

Appellate Challenges to Arbitration Award: Close, but Affirmed

Last updated on March 19, 2021 by Tim Kowal
After the 2020 reversal of an arbitrator's award in Brown v. TGS Mgm't Co., LLC, I noted that it may be hasty to conclude arbitration awards are not worth appealing. Reversal is possible where the arbitrator's error "violates a party's unwaivable statutory rights or that contravenes an explicit legislative expression of public policy." An employee's right...Read More >>

Reversing Summary Judgment, Court Faults Respondent for "Specious"​ Assertions That "Wholly Mischaracterize"​ Ruling and Appellant's Arguments

Last updated on March 16, 2021 by Tim Kowal
All attorneys know appeals are an uphill climb. But that is not really true of appeals of summary judgments. Not only are summary judgments reviewed de novo, but the court strictly construes the moving papers, liberally construes the opposing papers, and reviews the evidence in a light most favorable to the appellant. Sensing reversal of...Read More >>

Considering a Trial by Reference? Define Your Referee's Powers Carefully

Last updated on December 16, 2020 by Tim Kowal
Trial by reference will become very common, I suspect, as trial courts continue to limit their availability due to Covid. A key advantage over arbitration: preservation of the right of review via postjudgment motions and appeal. You may also give your referee authority to hear postjudgment motions and, if appropriate, to conduct a new trial. But...Read More >>

Employee Cannot Be Compelled to Arbitrate Individual Claims If Also Asserting PAGA Claims

Last updated on December 7, 2020 by Tim Kowal
So holds Provost v. Yourmechanic, Inc., No. D076569 (D4d1 Oct. 15, 2020), where an employee alleging misclassification and wage-and-hour claims, both individually and as a PAGA representative, defeated employer's motion to compel arbitration. The Fourth Appellate District, Division One, explained that the state is the real party in interest in all PAGA claims, and the...Read More >>

Family Law Appeals: The Cal. Appellate Law Podcast Episode 6

Last updated on October 30, 2020 by Tim Kowal
TVA appellate attorney Tim Kowal and co-host Jeff Lewis discuss family law appeals in the latest episode of the California Appellate Law Podcast. In addition to some nuts-and-bolts procedure, we discuss: Hiding Bitcoin from your spouse is a righteously bad idea, and claiming you don't have to deliver her half of the Bitcoin because it...Read More >>

New Discovery Cutoff Extensions, and Other Civil Procedure Updates

Last updated on October 21, 2020 by Tim Kowal
Governor Newsom recently signed SB 1146, which among other provides new Code Civ. Proc., § 599, which extends "any deadlines that have not already passed as of March 19, 2020" upon continuance or postponement of trial. That includes discovery, expert discovery, and summary judgment motions. It also provides at Code Civ. Proc., § 2035.310 that...Read More >>

Appeals of Preliminary Injunctions: California Appellate Law Podcast Episode 4 (Aug. 11, 2020)

Last updated on August 11, 2020 by Tim Kowal
TVA's Tim Kowal is a co-host of the California Appellate Law Podcast. This episode discusses cases and procedures in appealing preliminary injunctions.  Listen here. Appellate Specialist Jeff Lewis' biography.Appellate Specialist Tim Kowal's biography . Cases mentioned in this episode ABBA Rubber Co. v. Seaquist (1991) 235 Cal.App.3d 1  Abbott Laboratories v. The Superior Court (2018)...Read More >>

Appeals and Summary Judgments: California Appellate Podcast Episode 3 (Jul. 20, 2020)

Last updated on July 20, 2020 by Tim Kowal
TVA's Tim Kowal is a co-host of the California Appellate Law Podcast. To listen or subscribe, click here. This episode of California Appellate Law Podcast discusses cases, procedure and common pitfalls in appeals involving summary judgments. Listen here. Appellate Specialist Jeff Lewis' biography and background.Appellate Specialist Tim Kowal's biography and background. Cases mentioned in this...Read More >>


Last updated on April 24, 2020 by Tim Kowal
In today's litigious society, parties are quick to sue others but, due to the demands of life, defendants will oftentimes overlook the lawsuit. Doing so typically results in the entry of a judgment by default - meaning the defendant did not appear in the lawsuit to defend against the complaint. The plaintiff - now the...Read More >>
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